New Delhi: Coming weekend is going to witness many good releases on the OTT platform. Platforms like Netflix, Hotstar, Zee 5, and Prime Video will premiere series and movies like Citadel, Ved, Dasara, and, Pathu Thala. On the other hand, the theater will also see some historical drama release which includes Poniyin Selvan 2 aka PS2.
Nowadays OTT has become a go-to platform for those who don’t want to go to theaters and save their time, as it provides you many good options to enjoy your weekend. This weekend the most awaited Priyanka Chopra’s spy thriller Citadel is going to be released on Prime Video and also after a decent box office collection, movies like Ved, and Dasra will also be premiered on OTT.
Therefore get ready this weekend to binge-watch your favorites. Check out the list below:
The series is a spy thriller starring Priyanka Chopra and Richard Maden in the lead role. Priyanka will play the role of a spy, Nadia Singh, whereas Richard Maden will be seen as Mason Kane. The much-awaited series will premier its two episodes on April 28 and the rest of the episodes will be released every Friday till May 26. The trailer looks interesting, and PeeCee’s character seems interesting and at the same time powerful also. Let’s wait for the audience’s response to this Spy thriller.
Release Date: April 28
Platform: Amazon Prime Video
Dasara is an action thriller, starring Nani and Keerthy Suresh in the lead roles. The story revolves around Telangana’s Singareni Coal mine and also involves a love story, coal stealing, and much more. It has also the angle of caste politics with a social message.
Release Date: April 27,
Platform: Netflix
Ritesh Deshmukh and Genelia Deshmukh starrer Ved is a heart-wrenching Marathi romantic drama. The film is the directorial debut of Ritesh Deshmukh and is produced by Genelia Deshmukh and also has Salman Khan in a special appearance.
Release Date: April 28
Platform: Disney Plus Hotstar
The film is a supernatural drama featuring Alaya F playing the character of Radhika, who is assigned to investigate the accidents that are happening in a flyover of some particular U-Turn.