New Delhi: Gauri Khan, celebrated interior designer and wife of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, recently gave fans a rare glimpse into the couple’s iconic sea-facing home, Mannat. The residence, situated in the heart of Mumbai, holds a special place in the hearts of thousands of fans who consider it not just their home but an emotion attached to their favorite actor, King Khan.
While tourists and locals often gather near the gate, hoping to catch a glimpse of Shah Rukh Khan or have a photo taken with the ‘Mannat’ nameplate in the background, it is Gauri Khan who has masterfully designed this extraordinary abode.
In a recent picture uploaded by Gauri on social media, she exudes style and elegance in a denim-on-denim outfit. The photo captures her posing near the staircase against a backdrop of a mauve-colored wall and wooden flooring. A black console table adorned with silver jugs, an antique picture frame, and a mirror with decorative lamps adds to the exquisite ambiance of the space.
With a caption that reads, “A home is a place we can truly be ourselves… and how it is designed speaks volumes. To know about my thoughts on design, pick up my coffee table book,” Gauri offers a glimpse into the artistic essence that makes Mannat truly special.
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As the picture made its way to the internet, netizens couldn’t help but shower Gauri with compliments. Many admired her beauty, with comments like “Most beautiful Mrs. Khan” and “You look so young.” Others praised the impeccable background and design, commenting, “Nicely done.”
Mannat has been a symbol of Shah Rukh Khan’s stardom and success, and with Gauri’s design prowess, it has become an architectural marvel that continues to capture the hearts of fans and admirers worldwide. The couple has always been gracious in sharing glimpses of their luxurious abode with fans, and this recent photo by Gauri further exemplifies the elegance and grandeur that defines Mannat.