New Delhi: The makers released the trailer for Radhika Apte starrer spy-thriller ‘Mrs Undercover’. The film shows Radhika jumping between her life as a ‘housewife’ and a trained spy. There has been a rise in action spy-thrillers lately and ‘Mrs Undercover’ is one of the rare women-led spy stories which involves a pinch of comedy.
The trailer shows Radhika Apte as a housemaker Durga who has left behind her life as a spy trained by the Special Force. Her previous life comes back with a mission as she has to face a serial killer who targets women.
Rajesh Sharma as Chief Rangeela changes appearances and follows Durga to recruit her for the mission while she refuses as her son has her exams. She is shown as a clumsy person while her husband considers her an ordinary ‘housewife’. Finally, she agrees to go on the mission while holding on to her responsibilities at home. In a shot, she is seen taking her husband to the mission as she is afraid of the dark.
The trailer shows her on a quest for Common Man, played by Sumeet Vyas, who is a mysterious man recklessly killing women. While she fights evil men and chases Common Man, Durga also battles the patriarchy and gender stereotypes ingrained in society.
The film is directed by Anushree Mehta and written by Abir Sengupta and Anushree. The film stars Radhika Apte, Sumeet Vyas, Rajesh Sharma and Shaheb Chattopadhyay in pivotal roles.
Produced by Anushree Mehta, Abir Sengupta and Varun Bajaj, the film will release digitally on April 14 on Zee5.