New Delhi: At the grand engagement ceremony of Mukesh Ambani’s youngest son, Anant Ambani, and the daughter of an industrialist, Radhika Merchant, mother Nita Ambani gave a surprise performance to the bride-to-be and groom. The engagement ceremony was held yesterday, January 19, 2023, at the iconic Ambani’s Antilia in Mumbai.
The performance was then joined by Mukesh Ambani, the couple Akash Ambani, and his wife Shloka Mehta along with Isha Ambani and her husband Anand Piramal. The Ambani family gave a congratulatory dance performance to a Bollywood song – ‘Wah Wah Ramji’. The track was from the 90’s movie – ‘Hum Aapke Hain Kaun’. The lyrics of the song were changed so as to include the names of the new couple.
#WATCH | The Ambani family dances at the ring ceremony of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant
The engagement ceremony was held at Mukesh Ambani’s Mumbai residence ‘Antilla’ yesterday
— ANI (@ANI) January 20, 2023
While the pictures and videos are surfacing on social media from last night, everyone out there from the family members to the guests are seen to be excited and dancing efficiently in the ceremony.
After classical Gujarati engagement rituals such as Gol Dhana and Chunari Vidhi, Anant and Radhika exchanged rings. They’ve been dating for a few years now and their wedding date is eagerly awaited.
The engagement of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant held today at Mukesh Ambani’s residence Antilla in Mumbai.
— ANI (@ANI) January 19, 2023
The Ambani family introduced Radhika Merchant by hosting an ‘Arangetram’ ceremony at the Jio World Centre in Mumbai earlier.
After the lavish wedding of the Ambani’s daughter, Isha Ambani back in 2018, the Ambani lad is all set to once again throw a starry wedding reception soon.
Post all the rituals done in the ceremony, the bride and groom made their appearance for the media and paparazzi with their families and guests.