New Delhi: The challenging and sometimes chaotic realm of contemporary adolescence is explored in the enthralling eight-part Spanish series Raising Voices. The show, created by Miguel Sáez Carral, follows Alma and her best friends Greta and Nata as they navigate high school, family problems, and personal struggles. However, their delicate everyday lives are turned upside down by an unforeseen occurrence on social media.
Though its target audience consists mostly of teens and young adults, anybody curious about modern social dynamics can enjoy Raising Voices.
On May 31, Netflix will launch Raising Voices, a new adolescent drama adapted from Miguel Sáez Carral’s book of the same name.
At the age of seventeen, Alma is almost a senior in high school. Her closest friends, Greta, and Nata, have been friends since they were children. They like going out to parties and dealing with the standard issues that teenagers experience, such as jealousy, negative relationships, troubles at home, and feeling left out. Things take a turn for the worst the day Alma posts the warning sign, “Beware, a rapist is hiding in there,” at the school’s entrance.
The series offers a new take on friendship and perseverance while taking a tough but compassionate approach to topics like sexual assault and its mental effects.
first look of alma & greta in ni una màs 💗 ni una màs (raising voices) premieres may 31st only on netflix !!
— molly ✿ (@deargabriiel) May 27, 2024
When and Where to Watch?
When Raising Voices premieres on Netflix on May 31, 2024, it will undoubtedly leave an impression with its masterful combination of intense emotion, suspense, and drama. The eight-episode series will provide a genuine look at adolescent life in the digital era.
No es la orla del instituto pero sentimos que vamos juntos a clase. #NiUnaMás llega el 31 de mayo.
— Netflix España (@NetflixES) May 22, 2024
Cast and Crew
Aicha Villaverde plays Nata, Nicole Wallace plays Alma, and Clara Galle plays Greta.
Teresa de Mera, Eloy Azorín, José Pastor, Gabriel Guevara, Ruth Díaz, Iván Massagué, Sara Rivero, and Daniel de Lorenzo round out the cast.
Miguel Sáez Carral penned the script with Isa Sanchez and Eduard Cortés, David Ulloa, and Marta Font served as the showrunners, while José Manuel Lorenzo and Sáez Carral served as executive producers.