New Delhi: The new song from Salman Khan’s next movie, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, is now out! The song, Yentamma, also contains South superstar Venkatesh and a special appearance by RRR actor Ram Charan, who brought pleasure to the song with his lively movements. Salman posted on Twitter, “#Yentamma song out now…@AlwaysRamCharan @hegdepooja @VenkyMama @farhad samji @VishalDadlani @iPayalDev @raftaarmusic @Musicshabbir @AlwaysJani.”
#Yentamma song out now… @hegdepooja @VenkyMama @farhad_samji @VishalDadlani @iPayalDev @raftaarmusic @Musicshabbir @AlwaysJani
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) April 4, 2023
Announcing the same, RRR fame Ram charan also took it to Twitter and posted, One of my most precious on-screen moments. Love you Bhai Dancing with these absolute legends… #Yentamma song is out now. @BeingSalmanKhan@hegdepooja@VenkyMama@farhad_samji@VishalDadlani@iPayalDev@raftaarmusic@Musicshabbir@AlwaysJani.”
One of my most precious on screen moments.
Love you Bhai ❤️Dancing with these absolute legends… #Yentamma song out now. @hegdepooja @VenkyMama @farhad_samji @VishalDadlani @iPayalDev @raftaarmusic @Musicshabbir @AlwaysJani
— Ram Charan (@AlwaysRamCharan) April 4, 2023
The song was written by Payal Dev and recorded by Vishal Dadlani and Payal Dev, with rap portions by Raftaar. Jani Master choreographed the song, which incorporates Shabbir Ahmed’s lyrics. In this high-octane intensity song, Yentamma is nothing short of a surprise present for the listener. With a tadka of Salman Khan and a cornucopia of vivid hues representing the rich culture of Southern India, the track features South superstar Ram Charan, a surprise arrival that no one had ever imagined. Following his Oscar triumph for his song Naatu Naatu, the South star is seen shaking legs with Salman, which has fans going crazy.
Pooja Hegde pulls the down the house with her whistle-worthy dance movements in the same shot. The song is worth noting as the coolest vibe song of the year because it is jam-packed with entertainment.
Farhad Samji directs Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, a Salman Khan Films production. Salman Khan, Venkatesh Daggubati, Jagapathi Babu, Pooja Hegde, Vijender Singh, Bhumika Chawla, Siddharth Nigam, Abhimanyu Singh, Raghav Juyal, Shehnaaz Gill, Jassie Gill, Palak Tiwari, and Vinali Bhatnagar appear in the film, which includes action, family drama, and romance. The movie is scheduled to be released on Eid 2023 by Zee Studios globally.