New Delhi: The unfortunate arson incident in West Bengal’s Birbhum that occurred early this week reverberated the Rajya Sabha on Friday with BJP leader from the state Roopa Ganguly breaking down over the tragedy while targetting the Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress government, causing adjournment of the House for 10 minutes till 12.10 pm following ruckus.
“Being born in Bengal is not a crime”, said Ganguly while crying and wiping her tears, and mentioning “eight people, including two children, were burnt to death, Deputy Chairman sir”.
The Bharatiya Janata Party leader’s attack during Zero Hour drew retaliation from TMC members, sloganeering against the BJP government in Centre and then the party leader trooping into the well of the House.
Birbhum violence: BJP MP Roopa Ganguly breaks down in RS
Read Here-— Newsroom Post (@NewsroomPostCom) March 25, 2022
Several MPs belonging to Bengal from treasury benches also came in support of Ganguly and they hit out at the West Bengal Chief Minister.
Despite repeated requests from Deputy Chairman Harivansh, the members from treasury benches and the TMC continued sloganeering against each other.
Amid the din, the Deputy Chairman tried to run the Zero Hour. As the ruckus continued, he then adjourned the House for 10 minutes till 12.10 pm.
Feel sad to talk about what’s happening in my state of #WestBengal. I am born here, living here , experiencing such deteriorating condition.
— Roopa Ganguly (@RoopaSpeaks) March 25, 2022
Ganguly raised the issue three days after a nine-member delegation of BJP MPs from West Bengal met Union Home Minister Amit Shah and sought his intervention and action against the perpetrators involved in the crime.
Following the meeting, the Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on Tuesday sought a detailed report from the West Bengal government over the arson incident which claimed lives of eight people after some houses were set on fire in the state’s Birbhum district.
Around 10-12 houses were set on fire by the mob on Monday night and charred bodies were recovered by the police on Tuesday morning.
The burnt bodies of eight people were found on Tuesday morning after houses were set on fire in Bogtui village in West Bengal’s Birbhum in protests over the alleged murder of a Trinamool Congress leader Bhadu Sheikh– the deputy chief of the Barshal gram panchayat and a resident of Bogtui who died in a bomb attack late on Monday night.
Director-General of Police (DGP) West Bengal, Manoj Malviya informed on Tuesday that 11 arrests had been made in the case so far.