Gorakhpur: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, on Sunday, directed officials to ensure that all eligible individuals, who have not received permanent houses, are provided the same under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana or the Mukhyamantri Awas Yojana. No poor person should be left homeless, he stated.
#UPCM @myogiadityanath ने आज जनपद गोरखपुर स्थित @GorakhnathMndr परिसर में आयोजित ‘जनता दर्शन’ में लोगों की समस्याएं सुनीं।
मुख्यमंत्री जी ने लोगों की समस्याओं का प्राथमिकता से निश्चित समयावधि में निस्तारण हेतु संबंधित अधिकारियों को निर्देश दिए। pic.twitter.com/T5YuRtJHdJ
— CM Office, GoUP (@CMOfficeUP) March 3, 2024
The Chief Minister issued the instructions while listening to the housing problem of a woman at the Janata Darshan, which was held in the auditorium of Mahant Digvijaynath Smriti Bhawan in the Gorakhnath temple complex. He told the officials to deal with the woman’s issue with empathy. The Janata Darshan was attended by about 500 people.
Addressing complaints of land grabbing, CM Yogi reassured that under his leadership, no vulnerable or disadvantaged person would suffer injustice. He urged the administration and police officials in attendance to identify and prosecute those unlawfully seizing land and exploiting the impoverished.
The Chief Minister also assured those seeking financial help for treatment of diseases from the government of providing complete assistance. He instructed officials to promptly submit treatment-related estimates to the government. He also directed officials to handle revenue and police matters with utmost transparency and impartiality.
During the Janata Darshan, he blessed and offered chocolates to the children who came with their parents.