New Delhi: A 45-year-old Hyderabad man, Chandra Mohan was arrested for stabbing to death, a 55-year-old woman and chopping her body into six pieces.
The accussed was arresed after after the discovery of the victim’s severed head in a dumping yard.
The woman was identified as Yarram Anuradha Reddy.
According to Police, the woman was living in a rented house of the accused Chandra Mohan. The accused chopped the body of the woman into six parts with the help of stone cutters and knives.
Police said they have recovered the body parts.
Police also said while Chandramohan was a bachelor, while the victim Anuradha was a widow. She worked as a nurse in a hospital after her husband died few years ago.
Also, the accussed and the victim were in an illicit relationship for over 15 years.
Reports said that it was in 2018 that things between them started to turn sour after Anuradha started to ask the loan of Rs 7 lakh that she had given to the accussed.
Dispite repeated request, Chandramohan did not return her the money.
On May 15, he took an auto while he carried the decapitated head of the victim in a black plastic cover and disposed it at the banks of the Musi river.