New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Thursday said the Centre has received information from several agencies that money came from abroad and rest of the country and was distributed in Delhi before February 24.
“We had information from several agencies that money came from abroad and from the rest of the country and was distributed in Delhi before the morning of February 24,” said Shah. “We started our preliminary investigation right away, but the riots happened. Five people have been arrested so far in this regard. There is a conspiracy behind these riots,” he said.
Shah added that out of many incidents in Delhi, an incident of using personal weapons came to light.
“49 such cases have been registered and 52 people have been arrested. Out of the weapons used in the riots, nearly one hundred weapons have been confiscated,” he added.
“From the morning of February 25, a meeting of peace committees was commenced in every police station of Delhi. By calling a meeting of 321 peace committees by February 26, we requested religious leaders of all sects to use their influence to prevent riots,” said Shah.
The Home Minister said that all the details of those who have been identified are available with the Centre.
“More than 40 special teams have been formed to apprehend such people, who are working day and night to arrest the guilty,” said Shah.
“All culprits behind the killings of Head Constable Rattan Lal and IB officer Ankit Sharma have been arrested while the investigations into the wider conspiracy is going on,” he added. (ANI)