New Delhi: The accused in the Saket court firing case has been arrested by a team of the Delhi Police Crime Branch. He fired four rounds at the court premises and three bullets hit a woman and one scribe. The accused is a suspended lawyer who practiced in Saket court and he fired at the woman, who allegedly took money from him and promised to double it.
#UPDATE | A team of Delhi Police Crime Branch arrests the accused who fired at a woman in Saket court premises today
— ANI (@ANI) April 21, 2023
Earlier, DCP South Chandan Chowdhary informed the media that the woman and the scribe are in stable condition and have been discharged from the hospital. The victims of the incident were rushed to the hospital by the police personnel posted at the court premises.
DCP Chandan Chowdhary said that there was no lapse in police security, but agreed to strengthen it. Shedding light on the conflict between the accused and the victim, she said that an FIR was registered in December 2022 in which the woman, who was shot, had taken money from the accused on the promise of doubling it, and they were in court for the same matter. Delhi Police said that the woman has several other cases of fraud against her.
Delhi: A woman has been injured in an incident of firing at Saket court. Four rounds were fired. Police on the spot.
(Warning: Disturbing visuals)
Visuals confirmed by police.— ANI (@ANI) April 21, 2023
A similar incident took place at Delhi’s Rohini court premises in September last year, where gunmen dressed as lawyers and shot at gangster Jitender Maan alias Gogi. The accused were killed in retaliation by the police.