New Delhi: The Rajya Sabha debated Delhi violence on Thursday and witnessed fireworks, as expected. Many leaders from Treasury & Opposition benches indulged in direct accusations and strong rebuttal.
Senior Congress leader Kapil Sibal lashed out at Modi government for the ‘lawless situation’ during the violence on Delhi streets and accused Home Minister Amit Shah of turning a blind eye to the riots. Dragging Delhi Police under the scanner, he pointed fingers at its role and even insinuated that the personnel looked complacent and ‘complicit’ at a time when it should be seen cracking down on culprits.
Accusing the govt of spreading ‘communal virus’, Kapil Sibal even said that ” we are the cure for the virus you are spreading and we assure you that soon we will come back into the power and will solve these problems.
Following this, BJP Rajya Sabha MP Sudhanshu Trivedi strongly rebutted the Opposition charge, one by one. Putting out facts before the House, he fiercely targeted Kapil Sibal for playing to the gallery. Sudhanshu Trivedi also gave an account of how the Home Minister acted in earnest in controlling violence in the city.
He charged the Opposition with misleading the public on Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and also accused topmost Congress leaders of instigating people with provocative speeches.
Lauding the role of Modi govt, the BJP MP recited few lines of a poem in praise of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The video clip has gone viral on social media and the lawmaker is earning wide applause for this.