New Delhi: Amid the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, many Indians are struggling to return to their home country from Ukraine. Many of them have been allowed to carry pets, mainly cats and dogs in flight. Unlike them, an Indian doctor in Ukraine is facing difficulty in traveling with his pets.
Notably, he can not fly back to India as he wants to travel with his two big cats. A big cat is a jaguar named Yagwar another one is a black panther named Sabrina.
Currently, he is facing a challenge taking care of the cats and it has become really hard for him to procure food for them.
Famous as Jaguar Kumar
The doctor is reportedly available on Facebook as Jaguar Kumar. He has been living in Ukraine for a long time after completing his MBBS degree there. He is an orthopedic doctor. He usually shares photos with two of his big cats.
Kumar also runs a YouTube channel namely ‘Jaguar Kumar Telugu’. He has also more than 84,000 subscribers there.
Belongs to Andhra Pradesh
For Jaguar Kumar, Ukraine is like his second home. In India, he belongs to the Tanuku town of Andhra Pradesh’s West Godavari district. Kumar says he has always loved animals since his childhood, according to media reports. He also always wanted to raise big cats as pets. His dream came true in Ukraine.
He started the YouTube channel to earn supplementary income to spend on his pets.
Wish Indian govt allow me to travel with pets
In one of his videos, Kumar said he will protect his pets till his last breath. ”There is no way I will leave the kids behind. We just have to survive at any cost,” added Kumar.
Speaking to a daily, he wished that the Indian government would give him permission to take home Yagwar and Sabrina.