New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday spoke with a host of fitness icons including cricket captain Virat Kohli and actor-model Milind Soman to promote fitness and health. This was a part of “Fit India Dialogue” organized to mark one year of Fit India campaign.
Speaking to Milind Soman, PM Modi asked, “Whatever you say your age is – are you really that old or is it something else?”
Cracking up at the hilarious question, Milind answered, “A lot of people ask me the same question about my age.
They also ask me how am I able to run such long distances (like from Delhi to Mumbai in 2012) in this age. I tell them – my mother at 81 – is capable of doing all this. She is a huge source of inspiration for me and for many others.”
Milind said If you go the villages, you will see women travelling many kilometres to fill water and for other activities. The problem in cities with the widespread of technology is that we sit a lot at a place for work and other things. This has made them lazy.
“In cities, we are sedentary. The more we keep sitting, our energy and fitness goes down. It is normal for any person to do 100 KM a day,” the actor-model said.
Notably, this come days after Milind Soman congratulated PM Modi with an unusual tweet, drawing quick reaction from PM Modi and also many likes/retweets by followers.
While Milind Soman wished the Prime Minister “good health and a good and proactive opposition”, the Prime Minister posted: “Thank you for your birthday wishes and wishful thinking. :)”
Thank you for your birthday wishes and wishful thinking. 🙂
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 17, 2020