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India vs Qatar: Incapable refereeing robs India of a place in the third-round of the FIFA WC Qualifiers

Indian football team was robbed against Qatar of a much deserved third round position in the ongoing FIFA World Cup Qualifiers.

New Delhi: Football is a mixed bag of emotions for both sides of a coin. On some days you lose while on other days you triumph on the pedestal. However, things become nasty and uglier when despite the presence of so many technologies there are at times genuine human errors which can be avoided. At times, these mistakes cost a lot for the teams on the receiving end with a lot riding on the shoulders of the players.

Something similar has happened with the India and the Qatar game. It was a World Cup qualifiers game and a win would have seen the Blue Tigers through to the third round of the World Cup. The rash decision of the referees came in the second half of the game which was going on at the Jassim Bin Hammad Stadium on Tuesday.

What was the controversy?

Team India was leading Qatar 1-0 courtesy of a goal from winger Lalianzuala Chhangte in the 37th minute. However, in the 73rd minute, Yousef Aymen struck the controversial equaliser which set the scoreline evenly poised at 1-1. Subsequently, Ahmed Al-Rawi, the Qatari CF struck the penultimate blow to take the match 2-1.

On the other hand, Kuwait struck against Afghanistan (1-0) meaning India is out of the World Cup Qualifiers and will have to wait for 6 years before they get their next shot at the FIFA WC.

After the match, Aymen’s controversial goal has drawn a lot of social media outrage and criticism. According to a viral video:

The ball was already out of the touchline which meant a Qatari corner. However, Al-Hashmi backheeled the ball out of the touchline for a simple tap-in for Aymen. The goal was given in favour of Qatar. The Qataris burst into a joyous celebration while the Indian team protested at the gross and horror misjudgement.

However, with no VAR in place, none of the officials paid any heed to the vehement protests and India eventually lost the match due to “pathetic refereeing!”