New Delhi: Every other day we find any video that went viral on the internet due to different reasons. In the latest viral video, a man won thousands of hearts for saving the life of a toddler who fell off the fifth floor. The incident is reported to happen in Tongxiang in Zhejiang province on July 19.
The viral video was shared by Zhao Lijian, who is China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson. He shared the video with a caption, ”Heros among us.”
Since being shared online, the 10-second long video received over 1,000 retweets and 8 thousand likes. In the video, one can see the man running toward a building after seeing the child falling off the window of a building. Meanwhile, he was also assisted by a woman.
Watch the video here:
Heroes among us.
— Lijian Zhao 赵立坚 (@zlj517) July 22, 2022
”Kind Chinese hero saves a family. Good luck to them” commented a user on Twitter.
Kind Chinese hero saves a family. Good luck to them.?
— Emily Smith (@EmilySm71097589) July 24, 2022
”Real Life Hero,” called a user.
Real Life Hero ???
— Amitava Bandyopadhyay (@AmitavaBandyo10) July 23, 2022
Wow made my day
— Shabir Kareem professional youth&community worker (@Shabskk) July 23, 2022
A wide receiver in real life
— David Lee (@DavidLe76335983) July 23, 2022