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Astrology 2020: Message of the Day (May 4)

Message of the Day – By Renooji

Meditate on an emotion “Avarice“

“Many people speculate on the many aspects of greed and eventually do not completely understand that an immense amount of fame and money is the driving force for a majority of the human race. People see it as a purpose of life and forget everything else in the bargain. There are many frontiers that a healer crosses but ‘avarice’ (one of the seven sins) is still a great energy that one has to leave behind in order to progress spiritually. People do not comprehend that one may have everything in life and yet they would be completely lost in the pursuit for more. Complete your implementation of knowledge in your third eye chakra as you are still fully connected to your hara chakra. Actualise your intent and potential at the throat and affirm that you have enough. Healing hugs of prosperity. Love from the golden lotus of plenty.”


Remind yourself!

“I am sending healing and sharing the light to complete my heart desires and know that I have plenty to share.”



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