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Astrology 2020: Message of the Day (May 6)

Message of the Day – By Renooji

Meditate on an emotion

A feeling of oneness descends and a deep connection with the whole world is established , including the universe, and infinity. Mindfully engaging with the beauty and the truthfulness of life and its many flavours, the healer soul moves ahead. Knowing that the generation of bliss is in the heart of the soul and the experience a gentle reminder that there is no reason to stray. Remaining in balance and generating a strong connection with the power of joy, the language of divine love unfolds. It is a deep and everlasting connection , where the idea of separation  from the Divine brings tears to one’s eyes. The fortunate healer aspires and continues to enjoy the connection and remains in bliss. Healing hugs of an empowering energy. Love from the nectar and flood.

Remind yourself.
“I live eternally in this world of brilliant gold and spread the energy into my world and other worlds”.

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