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Astrology 2020: Message of the Day (November 17)

Astrology 2020: His light in the heart of the self and share it with others. That is the true test.


Special month, special healing, and special love to spread and heal with.

Once a man sent some olives to another who had never seen olives in his life and said…..” These have a lot of oil in them, and you can harvest it.” The person cut the olives but could not see the oil. Until his friend showed him how to squeeze the olives in order to extract the oil from the pulp, he could not have done so. So it is with Divine consciousness of healing. Everything in the universe is saturated with His presence and the healing energies. The twinkling stars, the rose, the song of the bird, our minds, His being permeates everything everywhere. So, one has to squeeze His light in the heart of the self and share it with others. That is the true test. Healing hugs of a faithful relationship with the heart. Love from mind, soul and action.