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Astrology 2021: Message of the Day (January 31)

Heal diligently to make life perfect, beautiful, pure in the light, faultless in its rhythm, strengthening the iridescent light, vibrant with the delightful light, an embodiment of the Divine. In one word the highest ideal of spirituality.  Healing hugs of deep insight.

Message of the Day – By Renooji


Everything in the universe belongs to the Divine. We must express our love for the Divine daily. Healing the self and others is an essential aspect of our spiritual self in touch with the Divine.

From the point of view of the essential and inner realities and consciousness, it appears that healing the self is spiritually the basis of life. Healing is meant to express the soul of things and since the true soul element is the divine element in all of us, then certainly we must heal on. Spirituality and the healed self become a discipline in conscious contact with the Spirit of the Healing Consciousness. Spirituality is the greatest and the most difficult gift for the soul to refuse. Heal diligently to make life perfect, beautiful, pure in the light, faultless in its rhythm, strengthening the iridescent light, vibrant with the delightful light, an embodiment of the Divine. In one word the highest ideal of spirituality.  Healing hugs of deep insight. Love from the heart of the light.