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Astrology 2022: Message of the Day (January 26)

There is complete transformation in the lives, attitudes, careers and relationships of others with spiritual values walking on the path of wisdom.

Message of the Day – By Renooji


The Drink!

The balance of our inner mind and heart connection establishes in our soul body a deep intuitive perception that we are more than the body. We see the light and we are magnetically drawn towards it. Enveloped in this light of love, we move ahead to envelop each other in this blinding light of beauty and the luminous presence. We then drink from the fountain of grace, compassionate and loving, we review, seeing everything that we have done in our life, good and bad. Timeless and usually blissful, we experience moments of deep bliss, collaboration, richness and devotion with care to fulfil the purpose of this life. There is complete transformation in the lives, attitudes, careers and relationships of others with spiritual values walking on the path of wisdom. Universal spirituality then takes us to seek and see the similarities and differences between our life and the lives of others. Healing hugs of great strength. Love from the sun and the river.

Nurtured by the quenched thirst:
We all move ahead with the opening of our hearts and minds, thus we connect to healing on.