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Astrology 2022: Message of the Day (January 27)

We may reach a boundary beyond which we cannot go, but remember that we have a mission and service to render in this world.

Message of the Day – By Renooji


The Thirst!

Quenching the thirst of another is an honourable act, and in the process of the exchange of the energy, one is dipped in the ocean of the heart, where there is only an enthusiasm to enjoy the nectar in togetherness and sharing. People everyday begin their lives afresh, making internal promises with the self to do things differently. Yet, there is a pulsating helplessness to continue to repeat the mistakes of the past. Choices of the heart are seldom heard by our mind and our brain and hence there is a disconnect and a deep discomfort. We continue to grow and enjoy the repetitive process of control rather than surrendering the anguish and the pain that comes from judging another. The most important aspect of this experience is the purpose of this life review and journey. We may reach a boundary beyond which we cannot go, but remember that we have a mission and service to render in this world. To protect, to care, to share, and simply fulfil the purpose of this human life. Stay awhile and accomplish. Healing hugs of love from friends and family. Love from the vast elaborate richness.

Allowing the drink to enter the body and mind.
Rejoice in the knowing that there is an opening at the end of the tunnel and the size of the sip is your personal choice.