Guidance for spiritual strength!
The creative impulse of the world is to keep the light flowing through the universe of life experiences and create a generous human realm. There are thousands of Masters supporting the Earth and all of us who live here. Giving assistance to all those who are looking and seeking help, the people and the light Workers participate with each other. At the core of every single electron of energy, even a negatively charged one, is the Divine aspect of pure light. Awakening the pure spark of divinity within each of us, is what allows us to move away from a fear-based life. We can then allow the brilliant healing presence of the light to become a part of our journey, the mind, and the spirit also collaborate in the process. This leads us to concentrate and conceptualize new concepts for our journey ahead. Leading us to heal with the positive thoughts and emotions of a healed self. Healing hugs of happiness. Love
from the pure light reservoir.
Spiritual belief: The creative impulse of the soul is to create the body for spiritual consciousness to awaken within to ignite the desire to work for The Divine in devotion.