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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (March 15)

Hence we ignorantly keep depleting our force and our individual power by always wanting from others.

Message of the Day – By Renooji


Ignorance Illuminated!

When the creative impulse of the soul starts to activate the destiny, from the pot of plenty, (our very own karmic kumbh) there is never a doubt or awareness that our actions could be creating a deluge of negative vibrations, unknown to us. Our aura is a distinct circle of energy around our physical body that creates with us the sequencing of events and desires that drive our actions. It is an indispensable part of our creative life and gives us the immense power that we need to live life on a daily basis. Our life, our world, our destiny and our relationships live off this energy that we hold, generate and build upon. We never think about all that we can do to build upon this energy flow in a positive way, never even generating an awareness that we could actively do something to improve our own karmic resonance. Hence we ignorantly keep depleting our force and our individual power by always wanting from others. Always criticising others, never being respectful to others, what to speak about the self. We are always on the path to blame and complain. Heal this in the now. Healing hugs of great illumination. Love from the centre of gratefulness.

Reading this-
It heals my eye and ear chakras.

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