New Delhi: Days after the world witnessed the Solar Eclipse or Surya Grahan on October 25, now many parts will be able to witness the blood moon also known as Lunar Eclipse.
The Lunar Eclipse also known as Chandra Grahan will appear red (Blood moon) on November 8 (Tuesday).
The Grahan or the Eclipses play a very important role in terms of Astrological events in all the 12 zodiac signs.
As Grahan’s are treated as one of the major events in Hindusim, there are also several beliefs and myths in this regard.
Astrologer Sundeep Kochar, says there are several potential effects of the lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan on November 8.
Here is what Astrologer Sundeep Kochar has to say about the different zodiac signs.
This Lunar Eclipse has a major role to play in your personal relationship. You might have to take some serious decisions as long as your relationships are concerned.
You will also have to remove negativity and negative influence from your life so that you can shine out in your personal or professional life.
This lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan, movement will be seen in the 7th house- the House of Marriage, so either it can either form your relationship or break it.
So hold your heart, and stay strong for some old ending or a new beginning.
Dear Gemini, you need to take a deep breath and let yourself free from things that are blocking your way from leading a happy and fruitful life.
You may end up over-exhausting yourself if you overwork. So this is the time when you need to pause for some time and re-evaluate your priorities.
Cancerians you may have to go through some anxiety but it’s now the time that you need to rise above it. During this Lunar eclipse, you need to open your arms for some major personal and professional opportunities and see the magic.
During this Lunar eclipse, you need to re-evaluate yourself and bring some expansion in your life.
People born under this zodiac sign need to show some determination, and courage in their life to bring in some positive changes.
Librans will see some monetary changes in their life which will prove to benefit them. People born under this zodiac sign may also get promotions at work or maybe be offered a job that will be ready to pay them far better than their current package.
You need to let go of everything that is holding you back as this is the period that will be shining upon you brightly. You’ll be surprised to see many positive changes only if you focus and work on them to enjoy them to the fullest.
Dear Sagittarians, you have been fighting for quite a long time, so you need to put your sword down and take a deep breath and meditate. For you, this Lunar eclipse is all about letting go and roll out your strong and positive energy with high spirits.
You need to be alert about the thoughts and feelings that you share on your social media account. There are high chances that you may have to face some toxicity due to this.