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Daily Horoscope: Your zodiac and forecast (January 2, 2020)

You are like an infusion today, no one will know your strength till they dip you into their
heart. Make your dreams big as they are all coming true today.

Daily Aura Guidance for the Zodiac – By Renooji

1. Aries

astro, astrology, horoscope, zodiac sign
Advancing ahead and seeking the association of the elders, and being trusted with the
financial investments is your goal, but there seems to be many a slip between the cup
and the lip. You will be rewarded by your seniors at work, so stay with that vision and
wait patiently for your family to recognise your talents.

2. Taurus

astro, astrology, horoscope, zodiac sign
You need to accept that people are not going to change. You can keep moaning,
complaining, be restless, but eventually the penny has to drop that only you can
change. Focus not on your differences but on your similarities and enjoy this journey
called life.

3. Gemini

astro, astrology, horoscope, zodiac sign
People from your past are likely to enter your life again, and this will be for the purpose
of completing some financial interaction. When you compare your life with others you
are disappointed. But loving and accepting yourself is a very strong self-love journey.

4. Cancer

astro, astrology, horoscope, zodiac sign
Life is wonderful and you are enjoying yourself today, you also want to change yourself
and this is a good experience. Try shifting your mind away from the obstacles, and
move to the next level of happiness. You are truly observant of others and they are truly
supportive of your research.

5. Leo

astro, astrology, horoscope, zodiac sign
This is certainly an exciting time to listen to your intuition and follow the plan of the
heart. Some of you will be consolidating your romantic alliances. A happy time to invest
financially and look out for the betterment of life and some of you may be buying a

6. Virgo

astro, astrology, horoscope, zodiac sign
There are so many opportunities open to you but which one you take determines your
eventual success. Making sure you have the people lined up and the resources ready,
will ensure your success. There are so many patterns unfolding, that you need to be
able to choose well.

7. Libra

astro, astrology, horoscope, zodiac sign
You are walking along in life and stirring the heart strings of many. You will be able to
achieve your goals in the next few days and create something new and valuable in your
life. It is not possible to change the world, but you can change the way you can look.

8. Scorpio

astro, astrology, horoscope, zodiac sign
Taking care of your work is of great concern to you. People from the past will re-enter
your life, bringing back pleasant memories. You will be completely satisfied with your
interaction, as loving and accepting yourself as you are is a very strong experience
when others are judging you.

9. Sagittarius

astro, astrology, horoscope, zodiac sign
The time has come when you have to move out and be socially more active, and pursue
others who will be able to help you promote your work. Be social and engage with a lot
more people. You are creating something reasonable and promotional for yourself.

10. Capricorn

astro, astrology, horoscope, zodiac sign
You are getting into a phase that brings you back to being in the public eye and you will
be working for community welfare. Social interactions will be better and more important
information will be shared. Love looks bright and promising

11. Aquarius

astro, astrology, horoscope, zodiac sign
You are like an infusion today, no one will know your strength till they dip you into their
heart. Make your dreams big as they are all coming true today. You will have one thing
in common with the workforce and that is diligent hard work, moving towards success.

12. Pisces

astro, astrology, horoscope, zodiac sign
Remember that nothing looks the way it is. So, stay with your gut instincts and move
forward with your heart chakra wisdom flowing into the corridors of your spiritual path.
You cannot compromise on the morning boost of energy to see you through the day.
Hug a friend.