Daily Aura Guidance for the Zodiac
Aura Guidance (all 12 signs)
1. Aries
“There will be some definite changes ahead that you have not anticipated. Getting your way today may be a difficult task. Contributions and outbursts will and could lead to a disturbance and delay and heartache for some of you. When you are ready then you should take the lead to discuss and take things forward.”
2. Taurus
“Seek guidance for a problem that you have not been able to find a solution for. Happy times ahead. Inability to take decisions is in the past now. Create a more solid financial plan for the future and know that you are solidly working hard to ensure your asset building abilities to grow.”
3. Gemini
“The patterns are hugely changing your fortune and you may end up exploring new options that could be very beneficial for you long term. Growth of revenue will make you happy as well. Make a list of all the things you want to achieve and your life experiences will manifest your desirous mood.”
4. Cancer
“The sooner you can acknowledge and adjust your responses the better for you. You are admired by others but you cannot get your own individual way all the time. There are some changes in the order of things and they all end up unsettling the way you had planned things.”
5. Leo
“You will inspire your confidants to take charge and move ahead with confidence and courage to get things completed immediately. Refrain from doing anything that you are not responsible for. Loving the self is important to the people who matter, so love them too.”
6. Virgo
“It will definitely go in your favour to stick to your original plan. Even if your concerns are valid, listening without interrupting your life experiences, you will still have to share and care. Confused will be those who do not hear or listen. You are affected by people and situations and even by technology, as things blur you out. Be steady in your thoughts.”
7. Libra
“Challenges are many but you are taking them in your stride. Be balanced with the light guiding your spiritual path. You are in a meditative mood but there is a churning inside that may make you take decisions in haste that may not turn out the way you want. Just refrain from moving towards your future journey.”
8. Scorpio
“A set of experiences and the environment surrounding you today will inspire excellence and a huge reservoir of wellness. Your destiny is unfolding to make you feel wanted and loved. Until you are not completely ready with the finances, it is best to stay calm and relaxed. Investments will be made in the passage of time but you need liquidity first.”
9. Sagittarius
“In terms of work and relationships, lifestyle and your physical body, everything is changing for the better. Consolidate your investments as it is a good time for money. You must take your own advice and stay away from other’s plans for you. You are expert and your wisdom centre is covered with a golden light and ignites complete intelligence.”
10. Capricorn
“Conflicting trends of the financial markets leave you stressed. As always, there is much to achieve today. Flamboyant people who will have become a very successful business associate will attract you. Alleging allegiance to a new frontier for the betterment of life and prosperity is not a bad thing but how you approach it with people who matter needs refining.”
11. Aquarius
“Rebellious attitudes or a casual appearance of the people around you will still have the power to trouble you. A change in the trajectory or tact may be necessary to keep you out of harm’s way. Perhaps you will let go of the relationship in frustration, but that will surely be a mistake. Travelling or studying is indicated for some.”
12. Pisces
“You are now entirely responsible to take things forward. You will invent something new today that will give you a great pattern of happiness, joy and prosperity in all you do. Consolidate your inputs and some artificial intelligence project could be coming your way for some of you.”
For more on Daily Astrological Guidance and Predictions visit https://www.renooji.com/daily-zodiac-aura-guidance/