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Daily Horoscope: Your zodiac & forecast (November 29)

The action of personal attacks is not only a part of the world but also a part of family interaction that will make you pensive and disturbed.

Daily Aura Guidance for the Zodiac – By Renooji

Aura Guidance for 29.11.2021 (all 12 signs)

1. Aries

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“Consolidate your patterns of love and know that you are slowly putting your life back together. Setbacks should be handled with calm and allowing others to take their own view, and decisions. You will have to just be balanced in your interaction with your staff and co-workers. Move forward to put your controversial plan and views in the open and get trolled or liked, but know that you are making a difference.”


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“Concerting your ideas into a business deal will come easy to you. Financially things are upbeat and you could get into a philanthropic mood and relationships with money could be used to the advantage of others. Stay focused on your life situations in sync with travel and investments in tourism projects. Love the changing patterns.”

3. Gemini

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“Enlist the help of others as it will be the key to opening doors that have great opportunities and success waiting for you. A long standing work will get completed. There is a spiritual path that inspires you but you hesitate as you are not sure you have the time to make the commitment. Enjoy the golden opportunity for your future property investment and make sure you do nothing hesitate because of low confidence in your own abilities.”

4. Cancer

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“Changes in the now implemented with wisdom will bring you to a centre stage where things could once again be part of your journey and decisions. You are truly a loved being, where you are always changing the things that are going through the heart of grace. Leave a major part of your decisions to your family and know that things will be divided equally between your family members.”

5. Leo

“Push forward your own professional goals and know that your family will be happy with your hard work. Gradually as you set down the plan for the project, everyone who will be connected will be impressed and overjoyed by the connections worldwide. Your parents and elders in the family will continue to stay safe and secure in their heart with you. Look after them well.”

6. Virgo

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“There will be a strong sense of responsibility for the people who have been given the opportunity to showcase their talents. Changes in your environment could be disturbing to others who are willing to help resolve, but you may be stubborn today. Chances of an unresolved conflict are high. You must not be in touch with anyone personally who are planning your destruction.”

7. Libra

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“Continue to progress in your own internal spiritual travel and wellness in your journey of life experiences with compassion awakened in your heart makes you happy too. Renew your connection with your financial consultant and take advice before you call your insurance agent or legal attorney.”

8. Scorpio

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“You will be totally fine with your family togetherness and success in all your relationships with others brings you to a space of good fortune and prosperity. Be happy and satisfied with your life. Follow the path you choose, and make the most startling progress towards professional success.”

9. Sagittarius

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“You have an astonishing degree of intuitive power to make the right decisions and also persuade others to participate in a good deed. Important issues will come up to be resolved today. Your aura is full of a pure golden light, and as you absorb this light, know that you are illuminating a new intelligence within yourself that takes you towards success.”

10. Capricorn

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“Your secret need for doing things your way could take you down the wrong path. There is a chance of money loss also in your aura story. Be patient with what others are proposing. The real need of the hour is to listen to the joint wisdom of the family and survive this day. There are sub microscopic forces working to destabilise you and you must not let that happen.”

11. Aquarius

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“Allow others to achieve happiness and prosperity with all that you do for them. Consulting with others does not suit you, follow your own heart. Very strong issues at school or work will leave you tired and unhappy. Accomplish all that you set out for yourself and do a good deed today by helping someone financially for education.”

12. Pisces

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“Changes in your life circumstances will make you happy and your financial investments solid. Spend less, and know that you are on the way to become a better person as it is because of your positive destiny unfolding. The action of personal attacks is not only a part of the world but also a part of family interaction that will make you pensive and disturbed.”