New Delhi: Born on 2nd April in Amritsar, the actor, comedian, singer, Television Host and Producer Kapil Sharma hails from a Punjabi family. His father was a Head Constable in Punjab Police and mother was a home maker. Kapil studied at the Shri Ram Ashram Senior Secondary School and Hindu College in Delhi. He was also featured in the list of alumni of Apeejay College of Fine Arts. He has two siblings one brother and one sister. His brother is a Police Constable. Kapil got married on December 2018. He has two children a daughter and a son.
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Kapil’s early life
Comedy King made his film debut with ‘Kis Kis ko Pyar Karun’ in 2015. He had also done dubbing for the ‘Angry Birds Movie2’ in 2019. He also performs many live comedy stand-ups and comedy shows. Kapil rose to fame with the Comedy Reality Television Show ‘The Great Indian Laughter Challenge’ third season in 2007. Kapil won a cash prize of 10 Lakh Rupees. He has worked in the Punjabi Show ‘Hasde Hassande Ravo’ . He once mentioned that he moved to Mumbai to become a singer.
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Kapil’s Journey with Comedy Shows
The stand up Comedian started his own show in 2013, ‘Comedy Nights with Kapil’ on Colors Television. The show was produced by his own production company K9 Productions. He relaunched his show in 2016. The show was a huge success and received lots of love from the audience. He also showcased his show on the OTT platform Netflix by the name of ‘I’m not done yet’ in 2022.
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Kapil Sharma also spoke about Mental Health issues during one of the interviews. He took a break from work and came back stronger. Despite facing many issues with one of the close team mates Sunil Grover, Kapil continued with his work and later the two comedians united and appeared in the show. His show is currently streaming in Netflix on Saturdays.
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