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Hollywood Star Cate Blanchett mocked for calling herself ‘Middle Class’

Many Social Media Users slammed her for calling herself a ‘Middle Class’ and there were many who defended her saying she might be comparing herself with big billionaires

New Delhi: Hollywood star and Oscar Winning actress Cate Blanchett made headlines after she called herself ‘Middle Class’ during a United Nations Press Conference at the Cannes Film Festival. The actress is trolled for her statement despite owning a Net Worth of over $95 million.

Cate also spoke about her experience as a Good Will Ambassador at the UN and said “I’m white, I’m privileged, I’m middle class, and I think, you know, one can be accused of having a bit of a white saviour complex, but to be perfectly honest, my interaction with the refugees in the field and also in resettled environments has totally changed my perspective on the world.”

The Hollywood Diva has been active in many social causes and expressed her gratefulness over the opportunity to have a dialogue with the people. She also said i have met some extra ordinary people who carry some extra ordinary talents and perspectives.

However , the Oscar Winning actress is facing the flak of the social media users for calling herself ‘Middle Class’.

Many Social Media Users slammed her for calling herself a ‘Middle Class’ and there were many who defended her saying she might be comparing herself with big billionaires, no need to mock her for her remark.

The Australian actor is known for her contribution and versatile work in Hollywood. She is regarded as one of the finest actors of her time who has delivered many powerful performances during her Hollywood Journey.