New Delhi: In a latest update about popular Pak actress Mahira Khan, according to some unconfirmed sources, the Pakistani actress Mahira Khan who got married to Salim Karim in the month of October is expecting her second child. According to a viral social media post, the actress is due to deliver her child in August or September. The news of her pregnancy is shared by a social media user on Reditt. The user has also added in the post that Mahira Khan has also opted out of two big projects due to her pregnancy. The Post reads, “So, I got this news from a close source that she opted out of the esteemed Netflix project alongside a big film as she’s expecting her second child somewhere in August or September. An announcement could be made soon or not if she chooses to announce it after birth but as she’s a big celeb and can’t keep it lowkey for long, I personally feel that she will announce,”
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Mahira got married in October last year
Mahira got married to long time beau for the second time in October last year. The actress was looking stunning in her wedding and the pictures and videos of the wedding ceremony was highly appreciated by her fans. The wedding was also attended by her son from her first marriage Azlan. The video was shared by Mahira on her Instagram account.
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Mahira was earlier married to Ali Askari
Mahira Khan was earlier married to Ali Askari. The couple decided to get separated mutually in 2015. She has also worked in many Pakistani dramas and received lots of love and praise from her fans. Some of her most popular Pak dramas are Humsafar opposite Fawad Khan, Sher-e-Zaat, Neeyat and Bin Roye.
The actress has also worked in Bollywood opposite Shahrukh Khan in the film ‘Raees’. She is known for her incredible acting skills and is one of the most popular faces in the Pakistan entertainment industry.