New Delhi: A few days back Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa was arrested for killing Renuka Swami. It is believed that the victim was sending an offensive message to Darshan’s close friend, actress Pavithra Gowda.
Recently, the Vikrant Rona fame, Sudeep was seen interacting with the media about the murder case. The actor was heard seeking justice for the victim’s family. According to the reports in India Today, Sudeep said that we all are aware of the news that the media shows us as none of us goes to the police station to get the information related to the murder case. The police and the media are working hard to uncover the truth.
“There’s no doubt that…that family deserves justice. That girl deserves justice. Renuka Swamy, who died on the streets, deserves justice. The unborn child deserves justice. Above all, everyone should have faith in justice, and justice should prevail in this case,” he added.
Kannada Industry’s negative publicity
Notably, Kiccha Sudeep also said that the Kannada film industry is in a state of disrepute. Without mentioning Darshan’s name, the actor stated, “The film industry should get justice. All the blame seems to be placed on the film industry. The industry needs a clean chit. There are many artists involved. Cinema is not just one or two people.”
More about Renuka Swami murder case
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On June 11, Darshan Thoogudeepa, Pavithra Gowda, and others involved in this alleged murder case of Renuka Swami were arrested. Reports say, the victim used to post abusive comments about Pavithra and Darshan’s relationship. Later, the actor convinced Renuka to meet him in Bengaluru. The accused along with some men kidnapped Renuka Swami, tortured him, and killed him.