New Delhi: Animal, directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga and starring Ranbir Kapoor, is almost ready to be released, and the actor has been putting in a lot of effort to promote the film. Recently, he made an appearance on the programme Unstoppable with NBK, which is hosted by the Telugu star Nandamuri Balakrishna. The video clip of the concert that is becoming popular on Twitter shows Ranbir displaying the ‘Raha’ tattoo that he just got on his collarbone. The footage comes from the show. In November of 2022, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, his wife, became parents to their daughter Raha Kapoor.
Ranbir Kapoor shows out his new tattoo of Raha’s name to the presenter in a video that has gone viral because of his Twitter fan accounts. The pleased father proudly displayed the tattoo of his daughter’s name that the Animal actor had gotten done on the show.
Ranbir Kapoor got a tattoo of Raha’s name on his shoulder ❤️
— RKᴬ (@seeuatthemovie) November 24, 2023
Just before the release of “Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani,” Ranbir had a tattoo that said “Awaara.” Now he has a fresh one inked. Because it has the name of his daughter Raha, tattooed on his collarbone, this one is unique.
“#SandeepReddyVanga‘s Next Film is with #Prabhas Anna, If he has a Small Role for me I would love to be part of #Spirit 🔥”
– #RanbirKapoor In NBK’s Unstoppable Show
— SALAAR FC (@PrithviGadhwal) November 24, 2023
#Exclusive – #RanbirKapoor might appear in a very popular Telugu show #Unstoppable with #NBK to promote his film #Animal !!
— Sumit Kadel (@SumitkadeI) November 14, 2023
About Ranbir Kapoor-starrer Animal
Just a few days till its highly anticipated theatrical launch, Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal will have an impressive cast including Ranbir Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna, Bobby Deol, and Anil Kapoor, among many others. The creators of the forthcoming film unveiled the official trailer yesterday, November 23.
The typical elements that will make the public go crazy are crammed into Animal Trailer, despite its dark and brutal tone. From the very first scene forward, its grip on you tightens with each passing frame. An intriguing but unconventional approach has been used to explore the bond between a father and son.
Sandeep Reddy Vanga has done an excellent job using Ranbir Kapoor’s commanding performance. His performance will be absolutely jaw-dropping if the film’s strongest unit is any indicator. Anil Kapoor is unrivalled. Others also quickly take the brunt of the trailer’s larger crash.
The trailer gave us a taste of an intriguing criminal thriller that delves into the tangled web of a father-son relationship. The trailer sparked fans’ interest in the film and made them desire more.
On January 1, 2021, T-Series officially announced Animal, which contained Ranbir Kapoor, Anil Kapoor, Bobby Deol, and Parineeti Chopra and was directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga. A preview of the film was also released. A few days later, news broke that Tripti Dimri would be joining the cast of the film. After Parineeti Chopra decided to feature in Chamkila rather than Animal in March 2022, Rashmika Mandanna stepped in to fill her shoes.
As a result of a holdup in post-production, Animal will now be published on December 1, 2023, rather than August 11, 2023.
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The trailer of Animal movie of the Big Beef Guy has a scene where he vows to murder someone, crowd is seen cheering him for that in Hail Hitler style and in the background there is a Swastika.
Can bollywood tell us why Swastika was placed strategically here? Why not 786? Suits…
— The Jaipur Dialogues (@JaipurDialogues) November 23, 2023
— Being Namman Arora (@naman_being) November 18, 2023