New Delhi: In an unfortunate news, popular television actor Rituraj Singh passed away from cardiac arrest. The news of his death is confirmed by his close friend Amit Behl. The actor is known for his works in television shows like ‘Banegi Apni Baat’, ‘Jyoti’, ‘Hitler Didi’, ‘Shapath’, ‘Warrior High’, ‘Aahat’, ‘Adalat’ and ‘Anupamaa’. The actor is known in the television industry for his incredible acting and talent.
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Rituraj Singh was born on 26th May 1964 in Kota. The actor did his schooling from Delhi and moved outside the country to pursue his studies. He started doing theatre when he was merely 12 years old. He has worked in theatre before started working for televison shows. He was also a part of the popular TV show ‘Tol Mol ke Bol’. He has two children one son and a daughter. His son’s name is Adhiraj Singh and daughter’s name is Jahaan Singh. The entire television industry and his fans are in a state of shock after hearing the news of his demise.
TV actor Rituraj Singh passed today of Cardiac Arrest. Many would remember him from popular tv shows Tol Mol ke Bol, Banegi Apni Baat or Laado. He was 59.
— Sonal Kalra 🇮🇳 (@sonalkalra) February 20, 2024
RIP Rituraj Singh. He was just 60 💔#RiturajSingh
— Manak Gupta (@manakgupta) February 20, 2024
Renowned actor Rituraj Singh (59), who gained stardom through the shows ‘Tol Mol Ke Bol’, ‘Banegi Apni Baat’, ‘Laado’, and more, tragically passed away last night due to cardiac arrest. This is a very painful news for each one of us as we have lost yet another remarkable human…
— Jaideep Pandey (@PandeyJaideep) February 20, 2024
The actor was last seen in popular television show ‘Anupamaa’. Apart from television, he was also a part of many Bollywood films like ‘Humpty Sharma ki Dulhania’ and ‘Yaarian 2’. He was also a part of web series like ‘Made in heaven’ .
Rituraj Singh was 59 yeard old and was struggling with health issues. According to reports he was suffering from pancreatic disease and was undergoing treatment in the hospital.
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