New Delhi: On the occasion of Ram Navami, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the 14th Foundation Day celebration at Umiya Mata Temple at Gathila, Junagadh in Gujarat on Sunday via video conferencing, where he said, centres of faith play a major role in spreading social awareness.
The Prime Minister expressed happiness that apart from being an important place of spiritual and divine importance, Umiya Mata Temple at Gathila has become a place of social consciousness and tourism. The Prime Minister said, “By the grace of Maa Umiya, society and devotees have undertaken many great tasks.”
Adding further he stated that “I have always felt your collective strength and concern for the betterment of the state and the country.”
The Prime Minister stated that as a devotee of Maa Umiya, it is not possible for people to cause any damage to mother earth. “As we do not feed unnecessary medicines to our mother, we should not use unnecessary chemicals on our land too,” he said.
He talked about measures to preserve land area like water preservation schemes like per drop more crop. He recalled the Jan Andolan undertaken during his tenure as Chief Minister of the state. He said we cannot afford to relax on the movement of water preservation. He also said that mother earth needs to be protected from chemicals and reiterated the need to promote natural farming.
The PM also said that as he and Keshubhai worked for water, the current Chief Minister of Gujarat is working for mother earth.
The Prime Minister also expressed happiness that by the grace of the Maa Umiya and other deities and by the efforts of the government, the gender ratio improved and the “Beti Bachao” movement showed good results. He noted that a large number of girls from Gujarat are representing the country in Olympics. He also emphasized the need to be active against malnutrition among children and girls. He emphasized the need to take special care of the nutrition of expecting mothers. The pain of malnutrition needs to be completely eradicated, he stressed. PM Modi asked for healthy baby competition in the villages by the temple trust. He also requested coaching classes for poor students, spaces and halls of the temple can also be used for yoga camps and classes, he said.
The Prime Minister also reiterated the importance of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav and Amrit Kaal. He asked the gathering to raise awareness and resolve about the shape of the society, village and the country in their hearts. He also stressed his vision of 75 Amrit Sarovars in every district. He said that for the people of Gujarat who had made thousands of check dams, this should not be too big a task but the impact of this effort will be huge. He asked for this task to be completed before 15 August 2023 and asked for a social movement for this. He said that social consciousness should be the moving force.
Talking about the occasion of Ram Navami, the Prime Minister said, “When we think of Ramchandra ji, we remember Shabri, Kewat and Nishadraj too. They have gained a place of respect in the heart of people over the years. This teaches us not to let anyone be left behind.”
Referring to the efforts during the pandemic, PM said that the virus is very deceptive and we have to remain vigilant against this. He said that India has performed an amazing feat of administering 185 crore doses of vaccines. He credited social awareness for this and other movements like Swachhta and Single-Use Plastic reduction. He said that along with the spiritual dimension centres of faith play a major role in spreading social consciousness.
The inauguration of the temple was also done by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2008 when he was the Chief Minister of Gujarat. Based on suggestions given by the PM in 2008, temple trust has expanded its scope into various social and health-related activities as well such as free cataract operations and free ayurvedic medicines for economically weaker patients etc.
The Chief Minister of Gujarat, Bhupendrabhai Patel and Union Minister Parshottam Rupala were among those present on the occasion.
He expressed gratitude for getting the opportunity of dedicating the temple in 2008 and to pay obeisance to Maa Umiya for the last many years.
Umiya Maa is considered the Clan-deity or Kuldevi of the ‘Kadava Patidars.’