New Delhi: The central government released the results of its annual cleanliness survey on Saturday, wherein Madhya Pradesh’s city of Indore was adjudged to be the most cleanest place in the country, followed by Surat in Gujarat, and Navi Mumbai in Maharashtra.
Indore has nabbed the first position in the survey for sixth consecutive year, as it processes nearly 1,900 tons of urban waste on a daily basis and earns crores of rupees. The processing of waste further fuels the buses as well as other government vehicles in the city.
While the country follows two categories – dry and wet, in order to segregate the garbage, it takes place in 6 different categories at the collection point in Indore.
Known as MP’s commercial capital, Indore is the largest city in the state with a vast population of 35 lakh. Owing to the garbage segregation techniques in the city, it happens to be garbage bin-free despite generating 1,200 tons of dry waste and 700 tons of wet waste each day on an average.
Mahesh Sharma, cleanliness wing superintendent engineer of the Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) told, “We have 850 vehicles which collect waste from households and business establishments and segregate it into six categories”.
The various places, even the vehicles, for instance, consists of separate compartments of different types of waste. For example, used sanitary napkins would go to a separate compartment and so will the waste of other types.
“This sorting at the initial stage of the collection comes in handy for efficient processing”, Sharma added.
The officials further told that the highlight of this entire process happens to be a bio-CNG plant which is the largest such facility in the Asian continent. The plant functions on the wet waste collected from the city.
The plant with a capacity of 550 MT is worth Rs 150 crore and was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Devguradia trenching ground in February 19 this year.