New Delhi: Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, who also holds the Finance portfolio presented his maiden budget in the state assembly on Friday.
Announcing Rs 1,42,343-crore budget, Khattar said that the revenue receipts are expected to increase by 15.96 per cent in 2020-21 to Rs 89,964 crore.
Education & Health – big priorities of Khattar govt
Major impetus have been given to improve the state of Education and Health.
Khattar announced that under the Mukhya Mantri Saksham Chatra Vriti Yojana, students securing more than 80% in Class 5 will be provided scholarship of Rs 6,000 as against the existing Rs 1,500.
Also, 3 new medical colleges will be set up in the state. Chemotherapy will be made available in all district hospitals in 2020-21, he said.