New Delhi: BJP slammed Punjab CM after Charanjit Singh Channi’s son was seen present at an official meeting. The meeting was chaired by DGP Iqbal Preet Singh Sahota at which the chief minister himself was present.
According to Hindustan Times’ sister publication Live Hindustan, DGP Sahota, himself recently elevated to the top post, was, on Thursday, chairing a briefing with officials over the law and order situation in the border state. While Channi himself attended the meet, his son, Rhythmjit Singh, too, is seen in photos that have since gone viral on social media. Rhythymjit is seen in the background, sitting behind the state police chief.
BJP has objected to Chief Minister Charanjeet Singh Channi’s son sitting in a law and order meeting with DGP and other officers and ministers. He can be seen in these pics sitting in the back.
Interestingly these pics were released by Punjab Govt Directorate of Public Relations.— Man Aman Singh Chhina (@manaman_chhina) October 3, 2021
BJP chief of Punjab unit Ashwani Sharma said that Chief Minister Channi was aware of the rules and regulations as a former cabinet minister and should have maintained the dignity and credibility of governance.
“It is very unfortunate that senior bureaucrats allowed the chief minister’s son to sit in the high-level meeting,” Ashwani Sharma said.