New Delhi: The price of tomatoes which usually sticks around Rs 20-30 per kg every winter has witnessed a surge in the vegetable market following torrential rainfall in parts of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu. In most of the cities, the retail tomato prices in most of the cities are Rs 80 per kg while in the southern states are experiencing as much as Rs 120 per kg. With Chennai being the worst sufferer, the price of tomatoes has shot to Rs 140 per kilo. According to the PTI, tomatoes in Kerala are being sold at Rs 90-120 per kg while in the National Capital Region the tomatoes are sold between Rs 90-108 per kilo.
According to the data, the retail price of tomatoes began to increase since the beginning of October and have been further elevated in November.
Azadpur Tomato Association President Ashok Kaushik said, “The tomato supply to Delhi from south India has been affected because of the rains. If rains continue in the coming days, the prices in the national capital might rise from the current level.”
Meanwhile, the meme makers just got introduced to another subject to make memes. Since Tuesday, #tomato has been trending on Twitter. Here’s some tweet regarding the hike in tomato prices:
By the way it’s raining I hope the batton will be passed on to Onion very soon…#Tomato
— Some One (@58Believer) November 23, 2021
#Tomato sellers right now :
— Tweetera? (@DoctorrSayss) November 23, 2021
#Tomato Rs 120/kg ….
Me going to make Tomato soup …
— Varsha saandilyae (@saandilyae) November 23, 2021
People who bought two kgs of #Tomato
— Abhishek Mitlakod (@Abhishek5888) November 23, 2021
#Tomato around Rs120 per kg today ?
— Anchal Writer (@VashishtAanchal) November 23, 2021
Data is the new oil, Tomato is the new gold ? #Tomato
— Yaash Raju (@raju_yaash) November 23, 2021
— St . Sinner. (@retheeshraj10) November 24, 2021
On the other hand, prices of other vegetables like capsicum and onions have also increased. The large tomato-cultivation areas have been hit by rain besides, the hike in the price of diesel has further fuelled the hike in tomato price. Andhra Pradesh, which is the largest producer of tomatoes in the country have been selling tomatoes at Rs 100 per kilo.