New Delhi: Social media is always ready to update the netizens with the trending news happening all across the world. Sometimes, that news can make you go crazy as well. Such an incident happened earlier today when fans of Rowan Atkinson panicked a little when an old tweet about the actor-comedian’s demise started trending on Twitter.
However, no need to worry as the news is completely false. A worldwide known as Mr. Bean, Rowan Atkinson has once again fallen prey to the death hoax.
Reportedly, this news is part of the death hoax that has shocked people a few years ago. In 2016, Atkinson was the victim of the false news after a Facebook page known as ‘R.I.P Rowan Atkinson’ stated that the actor was found dead in the bathroom of his house in San Francisco Also in 2017, a fake Twitter page that looks like Fox News’ handle stated, “Mr. Bean (Rowan Atkinson) died at 58 after car accident.”
Atkinson, aged 66 now is completely alive. The netizens have shown displease over the news on social media. Here are some of the reactions of the netizens:
Rowan sebastian “Mr.bean” Atkinson is alive. ❤️
You will always be remembered in the world of silent comedy.
Thank you for making us laugh since our childhood. ?#rowanatkinson #mrbean
— ? (@jaffray___) November 23, 2021
Every year na lang nila pinapatay si Rowan Atkinson potaena HAHAHHA
— Arrietty (@deyn_cst) November 22, 2021
Rowan Atkinson dies every year on facebook
— Bikash (@iambikash378) November 22, 2021
The day rowan atkinson dies every flag in the world better be at half mast
— Atharv Jain (@AtharvJain24) November 22, 2021
why does rowan atkinson die every year..? ?
— elyse ♡ (@touyasgirl) November 23, 2021
wtf #rowanatkinson died ?
— NOC (@GoneForDuck) November 22, 2021
#rowanatkinson is NOT dead the rumours are absolutely false…it’s a hoax
— Ronak (@ronakkotecha) November 22, 2021