New Delhi: For the first time in the history, secret documents about the funeral of the Britain’s monarch have been leaked on Friday. The leaked documents have revealed vast plan of action that will be performed after Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II dies.
The details execution by the codename “Operation London Bridge” were leaked to US-based news organization ‘Politico”.
According to the reports, the day when the Queen dies will be cited as “D Day”.
Post to 95-year-old monarch’s demise, her son and heir, Prince Charles, will embark on a tour of the UK before the burial is held. The longest-serving Monarch in British history will be buried 10 days after death, raising major security concerns.
The reports further suggests that the coffin will lie in state at the Houses of Parliament for three days. The authorities expect thousands of people to gather in London.
A huge security operation has been planned to control the anomalous mass and travel havoc that the authorities have anticipated in pretext to her funeral. A memo alerts that London could be extended to breaking point as thousands of people are expected to visit the UK capital.
According to Politico, the new King Charles will take off on a tour to the four nations of the United Kingdom after the queen’s death. Meanwhile, a voluntary service will also be held at St Paul’s Cathedral.
The British prime minister and the monarch are reportedly in accordance about her state funeral to be a day of national mourning. The flags of the buildings will be lowered and is expected to be a holiday effectively.
However the Buckingham Palace officials have denied to comment on the leak of the documents or the plans.