New Delhi: ‘Close down the beauty salons in a month’ – is the latest diktat of Afghanistan’s Taliban government.
The regressive administration on Tuesday ordered all the beauty parlous & salons, run & operated by women, to close down across the nation. It also warned of dire consequences for those who fail to implement it or dare to violate the order.
“All beauty salons operated by women in Kabul and other provinces should be banned immediately,” the Ministry of Vice and Virtue reportedly said in a statement.
The latest crackdown by Talibani administration is yet another step to push women behind the four walls of home and restrain them from appearing in public places.
“Violators will face legal action,” it said in conversation to press.
Earlier, the regressive regime had imposed restrictions on women education and their movement at public places. It prohibited women from pursuing education above sixth standard while declared ban on women visiting parks or gyms. Those women in government and private sector are also being pressurized to quit their jobs and sit at home, reports said.
Taliban’s torturous treatment of women has also drawn fire from many international organizations including the United Nations. The UN at many occasions called it out to refrain from women oppressive policies while claiming that it will further endanger its case to be recognized at global level. However, the Talibani govt has remained defiant and its tyrannical administration continues to impose fresh restrictions on women.
At present, the only public place that women can visit is the hospital. Those working as doctors & nurses haven’t seen any restrictions yet.
A couple of Afhan women rights activist, not staying in Kabul anymore, have strongly decried the move, claiming that the Talibani administration was treating women as a commodity that one can own & oppress.
“Taliban doesn’t consider women as human beings,” they said.