New Delhi: In a miraculous escape a UK-based CEO managed to save his life with the help of his Smartwatch. The man’s name is Paul Wapham and he was out for a walk early morning when he suddenly suffered severe chest pain, the man went down on his knees and tried calling his wife from his smartwatch. As he informed his wife through his smartwatch, the man displayed amazing gut willpower and tried his best to hold on until the Medical help arrived.
The wife took the man to the Hospital
He was soon taken by the Ambulance and his blockage was removed successfully with the help of surgery. According to the Doctors, his life would have been in danger if he had reached a little late. As per the man, he felt like his chest was being squeezed and getting tight with incredible pain, without delaying any further, he managed to call his wife for help. The wife was able to send him help on time as their locations were not that far. He was then rushed to the Emergency Medical Care and given treatment.Pa
Paul was out for a walk when he suffered Chest Pain
The man went for a walk at around 7 am in the morning, and he was having his walk like usual days. Within a span of 5 minutes, he started feeling unbearable pain in his chest. As soon as he called his wife, she drove down and took him to the hospital. The man was over 40 years old and had to go through a Medical Procedure to get rid of the Blockage in his heart. He thanked the Doctors and his wife for saving his life.
Brazilian Influencer dies of Heart Attack
Meanwhile when this man was fortunate enough to get back his life, in another incident a Brazilian influencer and TV Star Luana Andrade passed away after a Liposuction Surgery on her knee. The 29 year old TV Star suffered four Cardiac Arrests due to complications during the Procedure.
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Brazilian Footballer Neymar also paid tribute to the TV Star, he took to his instagram and expressed his grief.
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