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Astrology 2020: Message of the Day (May 25)

Praying, healing, strengthening and comforting the other is always a joy as it leads to begin the healing of the self. Healing hugs of mentally remaining connected. Love from the reservoir of light.

Message of the Day – By Renooji
Meditate on an emotion

Challenges in life are many and loss is an integral part of change in life. This change or loss can affect our emotional states of well being and throw us out of gear, especially our concentration levels, our ability to multitask, and our memory functions. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are the framework of our life goal posts and the ability to heal and get over the loss of a loved one or even our health or our money, begins when we cross these steps to heal at our heart. Staying connected and available, offering words and healing that touch the heart, and respecting the person’s sense of loss all add up to help the healing process for all. Praying, healing, strengthening and comforting the other is always a joy as it leads to begin the healing of the self. Healing hugs of mentally remaining connected. Love from the reservoir of light.

Remind yourself.
“I am a strong pillar of light and guiding my soul to harmony, I awaken to happiness and joy.”