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Astrology 2020: Message of the Day (Oct 16)

Astrology 2020: Together and healing the self and all the souls in the heart . Live where the light lives. Healing hugs of togetherness.

Message of the Day – By Renooji


Expansion of the soul self is always noticed by the outsiders before the self. Stay awakened.

When a spiritual healer begins the journey of life , it is only and really the beginning. Awakened and changing all , becomes the point when the transforming and healing experiences are energetically solidifying the self. One has to awaken the seed of knowledge, to see. The seed of grace to feel. The seed of intuition to realise and the seed of interconnectedness to never feel alone. Let us today, co join to this extensive experience with the divine grace guiding the  spiritual consciousness and move with complete happiness towards all wellness. Together and healing the self and all the souls in the heart . Live where the light lives. Healing hugs of togetherness. Love from the depth of love.