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Astrology 2021: Message of the Day (August 5)

Take two teaspoons of sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of salt, mix together in the palms of your hands with a spoon of water and use as a face scrub to cleanse your face.

Message of the Day – By Renooji


My priority healing chart:

When I hear people talk, I listen very intently to what they are saying. I find them saying things of a surprising spiritual strength and depth, even when they think that they don’t have any spiritual beliefs. Everyone of us has an inherent source of light that guides us. Everyone of us has their own life wisdom, and when people speak and you listen and hear what they are saying. One participates in their wisdom emerging, and in the process helps them to discover their own truth, a truth which is rich in the healing process. A truth whose richness and sweetness and the profound presence of their healing ability comes forth that even they were not aware of. Healing hugs of happiness, joy and strength. Love from the truth frontiers.

The final cleanse:

Take two teaspoons of sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of salt, mix together in the palms of your hands with a spoon of water and use as a face scrub to cleanse your face.

This will heal you eyes, ears, nose, mouth , skin and hands .