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Astrology 2021: Message of the Day (January 6)

This service rendered in devotion becomes adoration and the healer is connected to the Divine essence and feels a thrill and delighted keeps healing more.


When an employee renders service and is paid wages, his service is limited and has fixed hours.

This pattern of human behaviour and life is real, but even then this is not called real service. Everyone is looking at how they can get comfort, how they should feel pleased, according to their will and taste, for their own pleasure. The healer in-fact looks only at the interest of those receiving the healing. This then becomes real service. The only aim is to keep in mind the need of the recipients of the healing light of love and compassion. This service rendered in devotion becomes adoration and the healer is connected to the Divine essence and feels a thrill and delighted keeps healing more. Purified in the heart, the healer then becomes more enabled to enhance “Divine Realisation.” Healing hugs of happiness and comfort. Love from the Garland of prayer and praise.