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Astrology 2021: Message of the Day (March 17)

Move to a new base plate of perfect healing interactions and intentions so that you can begin to truly love yourself.

Message of the Day – By Renooji



Auspicious is the time, even more auspicious is the moment and the most auspicious is this life. Finally, completely auspicious is our connection with the healing light.

Revered for the soul power and our connection with grace, we continue to feel the link of bygone ages as we move ahead. We all can see our future destiny if we truly live our today in the perfection of healing on Mother Earth. But, unfortunately, many of us are not committed to healing daily, and others have not fully understood the complete meaning of living, loving and healing. How sad it is indeed that many of us do not begin to truly heal and appreciate the connection until we are confronted with sorrow, hardships and pain. Move to a new base plate of perfect healing interactions and intentions so that you can begin to truly love yourself. Healing hugs of perfection. Love from the centre of revealed wisdom.