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Astrology 2021: Message of the Day (November 19)

Change your spontaneous actions to protect yourself and show all beings around you that there is only love and light in your response.

Message of the Day – By Renooji


“Don’t be the erratic explosion!”

As we allow ourselves to reflect on our life, there are many ways that we think we can do things differently. Yet, we are habitual in repetitive thoughts and situations. This creates an impact on earth and life forms around us, even the plant sitting on the table has a vision and a response that could be in direct opposition to the way you are feeling. Finally we have to listen to the universe around us and respond accordingly, so that we are mostly understood, otherwise the deepest misunderstandings come from lack of listening. Change your spontaneous actions to protect yourself and show all beings around you that there is only love and light in your response. And, see only illumination in all erratic explosions. Healing hugs of deep respect. Love to the response of listening.

Absorb the light.

Solar plexus chakra- shining light of the sun and the rays of healing warmth.
Knee chakras- yellow , orange and brown light chasing away the darkness and the fear.
Thigh chakras- inspiring wisdom and confidence for happiness and joy.