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Astrology 2021: Message of the Day (November 27)

This is when the darkness withdraws and the Sun of our true compassionate heart interacts with the moon of our mind and the stars twinkle in the sky of our life.

Message of the Day – By Renooji

“Be the Eternal Lamp!”

So often we want happiness but the way we go about getting it leaves us feeling flustered and helpless. Clumsy and unskillful, we manage to only attract sorrow and deep introspection on broken relationships. We come to glimpse the true opportunities of a happy life when we begin to truly and systematically healing. We begin to learn to grow and healing everything around us, we never complain. This is when the darkness withdraws and the Sun of our true compassionate heart interacts with the moon of our mind and the stars twinkle in the sky of our life. Elated, we continue to heal all. Healing hugs of a taste of Eternal truth. Love from the ocean of flames.

Absorb the light.

Lung tip chakras- cascading the healing light of truth to the flame in the heart.
Heart chakra- illuminated by the sparkling stars of the mind.
Third eye chakra- shadows removed by the bright moon’s and the sun’s light.